Friday, March 16, 2012

Seasons.... letting go and looking forward

     Seasons in our lives are interesting.  Clarity and strength both come at the strangest times. In the middle of our weakest times and seasons, the Bible says Jesus' strength is perfect in us.

     I know cooking is not the one thing I was born for. Don't get me wrong, I enjoy doing it and I love blessing others with it, but I know it is not what I was born to do. It's for a season and I am so glad that I am able to see that, because if I am not ready when change comes, I usually don't do very well with it. If I am not mindful of it, I tend to want to hold on to a good, but old time or place.

     Sometimes we get great ideas.  Some are put there by God's design in us. I am learning there is a difference between God's design in you and His design for you. God designed me a certain way. He put desires and wired me in a unique way, just like He wired you to be as unique.  I have things that I really like and desires for myself that are within the scope of God's design. Take my cooking for example. I had an idea to start cooking for friends and, well, friends. lol! It's a great idea and it is helping me and my family right now. I enjoy it. That's the way God made me, but in knowing my season will change before it does, I am prepared and able to let go of a good thing. In letting go of one season, I find an unexpected strength to embrace a new one.

     There are other desires that are rising in me with more of an urgency than just a "want to".  It's more evident with each day, week and month. While I have embraced the season I am in, I am aware that there is another season coming.  It's like my spirit is a large stock pot cooking up something great. As I seek the Lord, the ingredients heat up and some automatically rise to the top. I want to be sure to be mindful of the things that have yet to happen. I don't want to miss out on the new by being busy with the current.  I believe those things that automatically rise to the top of our "stock pot" are not just how we are designed, but what we are designed for and it is His wisdom alone that allows us to see the difference between the two. The season I am in now is only to prepare me for the next and when it comes, I will embrace it.

     I hope that this speaks to you and encourages you in your changing seasons. I pray that you have the wisdom of God in your decisions and as you go about your daily routine. For those of us who are making life decisions right now, I pray that we would hear Jesus clearly and know in our spirit which things we are free to do and which things we are called to do.

     I am glad the Bible says God will fulfill the desires of our hearts. I am glad that God loves us and we have the ability to branch out and do different and great things, but I never want to cling to something, just someOne- His name is Jesus.

Saturday, March 10, 2012


     Valentines Day just passed not too long ago. Usually people spend that time thinking of our close relationships. You probably got a card, a gift, or planned a special time for those you love, but did you know that there are people around you that didn't do anything, get anything, or go anywhere? Not by choice. There are people around us who are going through such hard challenges right now and  have never said a word to anyone. They work with you and me. They go to church with you and me. They live near us. They are hurting badly and you would never know it. Tonight I started one post and it has turned into something totally different. This is on my heart and I feel that I need to tell others.  Maybe you are supposed to help someone, or maybe this is you- needing someone to step into your world.

     We trust God always, but Jesus said that storms will come to all. Things have been rough on many households lately.  Sometimes it's hard to see that light at the end of the tunnel. This post is for someone (maybe many) out there right now. You've come a long way. You've seen God move in your life. You've been close to Him and you love Him, but you feel as if you're just holding on. You are wondering "why?".  I want you to know that I've been where you are. My heart goes out to you, whoever you are. When you're in the thickest of the thick of it, there is no one who stands closer to you than Jesus. You are never alone, so don't give that thought any more energy.  Keep holding on. Look to God's word and pray it daily. He is the I AM. He is Jehovah. He is your All in All. Don't faint. You're not sunk. You are just rising up! You can't fail if you don't quit! 

So now what do we do to address the problems in our lives and in the lives of those around us? Well, I am challenging myself and anyone else who wants to make a change and be changed to join me in 2 simple steps I am calling The Love Challenge.

     First, find someone to talk to. Don't hold it all in. Hurt, disappointment, anger, and other feelings can drive you to think and do things you wouldn't normally do. Prayer time is good, but God didn't call us to walk solo. It helps when there is another person to counter bad thought patterns, point out the good, help us stay balanced and confirm God's word. Don't let pride keep you from connecting with others. If you're feeling alone already, thoughts that cause you to be further secluded are not right.

     Secondly, find someone to give to.  You might say, "What?! I can't afford what my family needs. I can't give!", but you can. Why? Because money doesn't flow from your heart, it flows from your pocketbook and that is not where we give from. We give from our hearts, where there is something much better and lasting that  flows-  Love.  You have gifts and talents that others enjoy and would love to have. You are unique. Give of your uniqueness. What is in your heart? Give that!  Maybe it's a nursing home full of people just longing for a visit or a song from someone who cares.  Maybe it's a child in the hospital who would love a cool drawing or a girl who would like her nails painted. Maybe your neighbor just can't push that mower or use that rake anymore. In giving to them, you'll find healing. You'll find that your mind has peace and rest from the usual tormenting thoughts you were meditating on. As you reach out you'll be happier and want to do more.

Part of this is for me, but this is for many others as well.  I dare you to take these 2 steps with me starting this week. Encourage others by posting what you are doing and how it is helping you. I can't wait to do this with anyone who will join.  Let's move up and out. Let's rise and shine together. Who's with me?! 

Saturday, March 3, 2012

New-Mom Meal Package & Grocery Delivery Service!!!

New-Mom Meal Package:
Do you know a new mother or a soon-to-be new mother? Both mom's and dad's will appreciate a 5-dinner package for the whole family following their little blessing's arrival. Check out pricing on the "how to order" page or email me at

Grocery Service:
You make a list of all the specific grocery items you would like and I pick it up and deliver it to you or your loved one. Cost is by the hour and, as always, delivery is free!! Email me at for more info.